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April 06, 2017

Congressman Thompson Introduces Bill To Protect Daniela Vargas

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, introduced a private bill to prevent the deportation of Daniela Vargas, a DACA recipient from Jackson, Mississippi.  Ms. Vargas was taken into custody last month by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after participating in a public media event to protest the Trump Administration’s immigration policies.  She was released nine days later from a detention center in Louisiana but an order for her removal remains active.

“Enforcement of our country’s immigration laws must hold steadfast to our cherished American values. Daniela Vargas is a member of our community who respects our laws, pays taxes, and has no criminal record.  It is regrettable that she is the innocent victim of the cruelties of our current immigration system.  Our nation needs DACA recipients like Ms. Vargas to be free from the threat of deportation so that they can contribute to our communities and build a better future for themselves and their families.”

Members of the Jackson community support Ms. Vargas wholeheartedly and I am proud to offer my support as well. While this may be a private bill for one individual, I strongly believe we must do better for those who live in fear of being uprooted from the communities that they call home.”

Link to bill

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